Downloading and Installing Safari on Windows 1011 [Tutorial]

ApplenolongeroffersSafariupdatesforWindows.Safari5.1.7forWindowswasthelastversionmadeforWindows,anditisnowoutdated.There ...,SafariisawebbrowserdevelopedbyApple.ItisbuiltintoseveralofApple'soperatingsystems,includingmacOS,iOS,iPadOSandvisionOS,評...。參考影片的文章的如下:


Apple Safari Browser . . .

Apple no longer offers Safari updates for Windows. Safari 5.1.7 for Windows was the last version made for Windows, and it is now outdated. There ...

Safari (web browser)

Safari is a web browser developed by Apple. It is built into several of Apple's operating systems, including macOS, iOS, iPadOS and visionOS

Download Safari 5.1.5 for Windows

評分 4.1 (16) · 免費 · Windows Download the latest version of Safari for Windows. The legendary Mac browser, now on Windows. Safari is the Windows version of Apple's popular browser that.

Update to the latest version of Safari

Apple no longer offers Safari updates for Windows or other non-Apple operating systems. Safari 5.1.7 for Windows was the last version made for ...


Apple 不再為Windows 或其他非Apple 作業系統提供Safari 更新項目。Windows 版Safari 5.1.7 是最後一個Windows 版本。該版本於2010 年發行,現在也已過時。 如果網站 ...

How to Download and Use Safari on Windows

The last stable Safari version that you can use on Windows is Safari 5.1. 7 . Since Apple no longer officially supports Safari on Windows, you must be cautious about using it only for testing purposes and on staging environments.

Need Safari on my Windows 11 laptop for work

I tried to download the older version of Safari that's supposedly compatible with Windows but the file won't open... I literally click open on ...

Safari Browser for Windows Download Free - 5.1.7

評分 4.3 (2,610) · 免費 · Windows · Experience the web, Apple style, with Safari. Fast servers and clean downloads. Serving tech enthusiasts for over 25 years. Tested on TechSpot Labs.

How To Download and Install Safari In Windows 1110 [Guide]

How To Download and Install Safari In Windows 11/10 [Guide] Link: ...


Windows版本的首個測試版在推出,支援Windows XP、Windows Vista和Windows 7,並在2008年3月18日推出正式版,但蘋果已於2012年7月25日停止開發Windows版的Safari ...


ApplenolongeroffersSafariupdatesforWindows.Safari5.1.7forWindowswasthelastversionmadeforWindows,anditisnowoutdated.There ...,SafariisawebbrowserdevelopedbyApple.ItisbuiltintoseveralofApple'soperatingsystems,includingmacOS,iOS,iPadOSandvisionOS,評分4.1(16)·免費·WindowsDownloadthelatestversionofSafariforWindows.ThelegendaryMacbrowser,nowonWindows.SafariistheWindowsversionofApple'spopularbrowsert...